Friday, September 28, 2007

I Need More Therapy--its lots of fun..

About 6 weeks ago, I somehow agitated my Piriformis muscle. Its on the right hip. Next to a nerve.

I couldn't walk, ride my bike or sit. That cheek just started to ache and then it got painful.

Well, the hip dr said Your hips are ok, the back dr said its not your back or sciatica but recommended Physical Therapy.

So, thats how I met Allen Mazur. He would be my therapist at Athletico. For several weeks he started twisting my body. Mostly my right leg into positions I never experienced.

On graduation day I had him pose with me. This time he was the one bending. Bending his 6'05 frame down to my level.

Today, I can just say thank you Allen, I have no pain. I just miss our conversations. Go Cubs.

As I was leaving Atletico, I met a really good guy that broke me in on the Job in 1966.

Ray Malcynski. My first day working he took me under his wing. Com-on Cadet, ride with us a month or two until you get the hang of it.

Ray is only 2 yrs older than me, but he was so much wiser. Too bad, he had a knucklehead with me.
I'll never forget his kindness and warmth. He still is a great guy.


Finally, I met Tom Swain at Athletico.

As a cadet in 1963, I was assigned to Shakespeare as a Cadet. A civilian in uniform.

I worked inside the Secretary's office and alongside Tom Swain. Tom never had a bad day and was the most competent man I ever met.

He could Type, talk on the phone, write notes, laugh and eat a donut at the same time.

He's another old timer with a new hip.

So Therapy was more than just physical. It was like visiting my youth. Well, I didn't feel so bad when other coppers were falling apart too. WOW, did that make me feel good. Its ok to say that isn't it.

A Lot of the Form of Friends.

A lot of sunshine into Big Jims life.

This past week has really been busy.

I was sitting outside Panerra talking about my old (1984) partner Ed Valkanet.
The phone rang and it was Ed himself.

Hey Jim, I'm with my wife and cousin in Chicago from ft Myers.

Would you like to meet us at Panerra in Park Ridge?
I'll be waiting for you Ed.

I called my wife, picked her up and spent a pleasant few hours with Ed & Judy.

Ed looks meek now, but he was one of the toughest roughest police on the job.
Strong as a bull.
He had a change of life and became man for Jesus. First Bible studying for many years.
He retired from the police dept and started working on Jesus' team.

His wife Judy and him have been on many missionary trips and just returned from the Phillipines.
We had a great time talking. Promising to visit them in Fla our next trip down
As some of you might know I was Officer Friendly in the Shakespeare Police District back in 1970. During the summers I would be assigned to Neighborhood Relations and spend the summer doing terrible work.

Like taking neighborhood youth to Wrigley Field, the museums, swimming pools, and other
places around Chicago.
When we were walking out of Panerra, we heard someone say Hey Officer Friendly, Elliott.
I turned and one of the kids had grown up and recognized me after all those years. Ok, he recognized my voice. It was Herman from all the trips

My spirits were so high. I felt great. Another,day with a lot of sunshine provided by friends and my wife.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bad Day at 7 yrs.

--Response to a friends bad day--

7 yrs.

Isn't that when you review the past 7 yrs.
At least Tom Ewell did it in the 7 yr itch.

You put the cards on the table.

Positive and a negative.

Sometimes, it just gets to us.

Instead of looking to the future, we sometimes remember the past.
sometimes our past feelings,
the hurt feelings,
broken promises,
lost dreams.

Maybe we look across the street or next door.
Is the grass really greener. The smiles bigger.

Maybe we should look to the future.

Re-plan our spirit.
re-plan our dreams and expectations.
Does every moment have to be like out of Father Knows Best,

I'm 63.
The few mornings I have left could lead to special days.

New memories/new stories.
Or I could wait for something good to knock on the front door.
Yeah, sure..

I love life, I love the blue skies, I love the characters I know.

Once, while visiting a dying friend who was drugged up,
he started reaching above the bed trying to catch falling leaves.

I pointed out there were no leaves falling in his hospital room.

He said he knew that. That it was a hallucination.
But that he wanted to enjoy the experience.
To go out with a smile.

So, he laughed and smiled as he reached up, closed his hand and smiled again as he opened it.

I hope your smile returns and you experience it, enjoy it.

A smile and hug with your husband might just bring his smile back and add to yours.

If not tonight, there is always tomorrow.
Tomorrow. Another beautiful day, another chance.

I will for sure hug and kiss my wife tonight.

mr e.