That's how our trip to Lake Geneva started this year.
"I'll load the car. Oh, would you take this out. Thank You."
Oh, we forgot this and that and I have to pee.
Yes, a typical start for the Elliotts annual trip up to the in-laws Home in Williams Bay, Wis.
Frank & Sheila.
Williams Bay is just that. A bay jaunting out from Lake Geneva.
A bay layered with homes from the waterfront to over the hills.
Homes, used as get aways from the hustle and bustle of Big City Life. Many politicians, mob guys, business men, and regular hard working blue collar types.
Some of the homes can match any mansion. Sitting next to their home, were cottage's like we are used to.
Williams Bay.....certainly a nice place to stay.

Of course the weather was comfy but a little cool. The greetings were much warmer.

While talking, Mark took the kids and parents to the marina and jumped into the boat for a short ride around. It was afternoon and the weather was starting to change.

We walked up the hill and when we got back to the home, found cakes cut and waiting to be tasted. Tasted.....super chocolate cake....give me a piece and angel food with a pineapple/custard frosting.

Yep, that really hit the day. Now it was getting dark and Mark returned to set up the fire pit. Set it up with big logs and a great fire.

The kids got as close as could be and found it exciting to throw leaves on top of the flames.

It was another wonderfull time, our feet warm from the fire and our bodies warm from the blankets.
All things must come to an end and we said good-bye. Put Lori and Karolyn into the car and drove off....with the heater in fast fan super heat mode.
We left them all to camp outside. Sara and Maizie and the Elliott boys, Nate & Owen with their dad Jim.
When we got home, we turned on the furnace and enjoyed another last laugh at the campers expense.
I'm sure it was fun sleeping in the tent on the ground with the temps in the 40's.
But as you all know, there is no place like a nice warm bed in your own home.