Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Cold & Warm Weekend!!!!

"Yes we will be there early." "Come on Jim, I want to leave by 9am."

That's how our trip to Lake Geneva started this year.

"I'll load the car. Oh, would you take this out. Thank You."

Oh, we forgot this and that and I have to pee.

Yes, a typical start for the Elliotts annual trip up to the in-laws Home in Williams Bay, Wis.
Frank & Sheila.

Williams Bay is just that. A bay jaunting out from Lake Geneva.
A bay layered with homes from the waterfront to over the hills.

Homes, used as get aways from the hustle and bustle of Big City Life. Many politicians, mob guys, business men, and regular hard working blue collar types.

Some of the homes can match any mansion. Sitting next to their home, were cottage's like we are used to.

Williams Bay.....certainly a nice place to stay.

We arrived at their home and something unusual about it. Family friendly and room for the grandkids to run around. Not bad, huh.

Of course the weather was comfy but a little cool. The greetings were much warmer.

Hi guys! How about a bite. Sit on down on the porch.

Later we would greet friends of Franks. From their school days. We sat around a none burning fire pit and laughed about how the color of hair changes over time.

While talking, Mark took the kids and parents to the marina and jumped into the boat for a short ride around. It was afternoon and the weather was starting to change.

Of course the kids loved it when the boat splashed sprinkles of water into the air and onto their hair. Laughs from the kids and warnings from the parents---better wipe yourselves off or you'll get colds.

I walked down hill to the marina and waited for them to return. They did and in groups left the boat and walked back to shore except for the tour guide, Mark. Someone had to clean and prepare the boat for storing.

We walked up the hill and when we got back to the home, found cakes cut and waiting to be tasted. Tasted.....super chocolate cake....give me a piece and angel food with a pineapple/custard frosting.

Yep, that really hit the day. Now it was getting dark and Mark returned to set up the fire pit. Set it up with big logs and a great fire.

The kids got as close as could be and found it exciting to throw leaves on top of the flames.

Until, Frank showed them how to toast marshmellows and cook those frozen hotdogs....tasted like brats to me.

It was another wonderfull time, our feet warm from the fire and our bodies warm from the blankets.

All things must come to an end and we said good-bye. Put Lori and Karolyn into the car and drove off....with the heater in fast fan super heat mode.

We left them all to camp outside. Sara and Maizie and the Elliott boys, Nate & Owen with their dad Jim.

When we got home, we turned on the furnace and enjoyed another last laugh at the campers expense.

I'm sure it was fun sleeping in the tent on the ground with the temps in the 40's.

But as you all know, there is no place like a nice warm bed in your own home.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finally, nice weather

After hitting the 80's in Temps not golf, in Fla, it was difficult to wear a sweatshirt and hoodie the last few weeks since we've been home.

Today, it was in the 80's. Off with the sweatshirt and on with the shorts. Oh did it feel good.

Sat in the back yard with the neighbors, my daughter and grand daughter and Thomas.

Laid on a chaise lounge and looked straight up watching the planes fly to O'hara. Suddenly, a weird sounding plane flew over.

It had a canard and two prop motors...with the props at the rear of the engine. They were pushers. Everyone ran to where they could see the strange sounding plane. Pushers do sound different and were invented by the Wrights but this plane had its start with that famous experimental plane designer....Burt Rutan.

Later, I took the walk and as I got to Panera, a young couple jumped up and gave me hugs. Welcome back from Fla. WOW, did that make me feel good.

I walked around Park Ridge with a new spirit in my step and after 2 miles returned home to watch the finale of DANCING WITH THE STARS.

Yes, I love dancing. I'll dance anything except that one that goes 3 or 4 steps forward, and the same backwards. Tango ??? I hate it, I can't keep up the beat.

So, the champ for season 8 of Dancing With The kid gymnast.

Do you believe that, the kid won.

Can't wait until tomorrow.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tired and Stunk Out

I tired myself out yesterday.

Yes, I started coffee after driving the grand daughter to school at 7:15...I went to mcd's on Milwaukee ave.

Talked until 9 and then went to Panera and talked to until after 11. My jaws were so tired.

I took my nap and then after supper went to the indoor track and walked 15 laps.

11 to a mile.

The first 8 were tough but I loosened up when those other walkers showed up with their leotards....are they still called leotards....anyway something tight fitting.


Things were certainly looking up until, some big person with a sports shirt/bra walked past me.

She had no need for a bra, trust me.
heck everyone passed me up but when this one did, perfume stunk up the track.

I was very discouraged but said I'll stick it out.

Then a man and woman around my age passed me, and she was wearing a Sorry???? OMG.

This woman should have been wearing the perfume or deodorant... I felt sorry for myself after they passed.

It did encourage me to walk faster so they wouldn't pass me again.


This morning I called some friends to meet at another McDonald's on Nw hwy.

The senior drink was 90 cents and a sausage burrito was $1.95.

This compared to the other McD price of 56 cents for senior coffee and $1.30 for a sausage burrito.

It kinda of ruined my breakfast except I bought the 2 for $3.30 sandwich special. I shared with one of the guys and we had a great time...talking and laughing again from 9 to 11:30.

Yes, another good day.

A weigh in at the Dr's office.......are you was 207 lbs in Dec and today it was 193lbs.

I'm on my way to being healthier. Talk later....feel free to respond with your tales of life....

love ya not really...not all of you

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Sentimental McDonalds Visit

"Strange you sent this today", is the message I sent to a friend.

You sent a tearful story about a man who visits his wife everyday. She was suffering from Alzeimers. He smiled as he patted my hand and said, 'She doesn't know me, but I still know who she is.'

Today I realized that the story is true and repeated all the time.


At coffee this morning with the old guys at mcd's I listened to an 85yr old WW2 vet tell me how expensive the medicine was.

Not for him but his wife until he got the dr to give generics.

I asked him how his wife was doing.

She had alzeimers, parkinsons, diabetes and the worse he said was blindness.

SHE'S DEAD... I gasped, oh Jim I was in fla. When did she die? I'm so sorry.

He said Feb....and then he stopped talking and tears flowed. I was quiet and gave him a hand on the shoulder with no words.

He regained himself and reminded me that he would spend so much time with her. Dressing, washing and taking care of her in the bathroom.

That morning he carried her to the bathroom and sat her down and left.

He heard a cup fall and ran back into the room.

She said she was having problems breathing.

He picked her up and carried her to her bed but realized that she died while in his arms.

He continued to tear and the facial muscles twisted while he said I miss her.

I wanted to say: its best that she died, but knew for him it wasn't that way.

I usually leave McD's for Panera at 9am on Sat but today found a reason to stay until 9:45.

Wouldn't you!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Finally, another post with more to come......

Back from Fla into the warm 60-70's cloudy dismal day here in Chicago

Everyone has a smile on their faces as the weather is finally better....better than ???

Anyway, as you know i was kinda sickly when I returned to fla in Jan.

After a few months of McDonalds for breakfast, I had another photo on the beach.

Its probably the best I'll look for the next 20 yrs.

You can laugh if you want to...I'll understand.

I've already gained a few pounds and my pants are tight again.

I got the bike out for a ride yesterday and today will be a walking day, so the start of the summer exercise program is ahead of normal.

The last day, Friday, in Fla we went to Siesta Key beach for sunset. We saw a powered parachute flying over the sun.

The photos came out ok for the camera.

Many more photos and the stories that go with them are already beginning to fade with the cloudy dark days here in Chicago.