Hi Everyone,
We did go to Kennys memorial. Got there early as it was into the city of Chicago.
The neighborhood is built up around North Park College which is a Swedish based school.
The church is classic on the outside and inside it was a in-between big church and a small chapel.
We entered and there were several volunteers to guide us into the church and tell us what was on the schedule.
Little pamphlets were given with a short biography of Kenny and a outline of the services.
As I walked in I saw Gun in the aisle at the front of the church.....she looked so sadly beautiful.
We waited in a short line behind folks who all hugged her. I looked away as I burst out crying every time I put my eyes on her.
Finally, it was my turn.
All I could say was that my entire family were sorry for her.....then hugged her and just cried.
We went and sat down in comfy cushioned pews. Soon the entire church filled up with young to older than me.....yes, thats old.
Services began and then at some break...speakers (friends) gave their little stories of Kenny.
Sometimes being a neighbor we just don't get to see or understand how valuable our neighbor/friends are to the community and to their family and us.
Kennys friends certainly thought a lot of and loved Kenny.
Story after story of his generous heart toward his friends, family, church, and feeding the homeless. Especially his being a wonderfull host at his home for friends from all over the world.
And the main stories....his love for the fire department and his Best Friend, his mother.
It was strange, as the words were expressed everyone smiled and shook their heads YES, that is Kenny,
and yet tears of sadness flowed without control.
It was near 90 degrees and with a filled church with no A/C. Yet no one complained. His friends & family
certainly did a good job.
After the services we all went to the a/c Church Hall and had the most wonderfull Swedish meal from a wonderfull restaurant close by.
The lines to talk to Gun were long and finally we caught her with food in her mouth. Yes, we interupted her meal and just talked and hugged.
Soon we left and felt it was a wonderfull service. It was great being with Gun during such a terrible situation .
But we felt an emptyness inside. A empty space where our hearts once were, now filled with feel of loss.
But nothing what our good friend Gun must be experiencing.
May Kenny Rest In Peace....