Thursday, May 19, 2011

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Spring Fever

Hi everyone,
Its Sat.May 7th

I just thought I would say hi and update you on the nothings in my life.

Every year at this time I love to walk or drive thru Park Ridge during the early
evening hours.

On every corner there are mobs of teen age kids. Every year.

They keep moving around and if you look on their see a tension.

The tension reminded me of going to a party where there is a grab bag style gift
waiting for you. You run around touching and lifting and never being satisfied on
a gift. For the next gift might be the prize you really want and need for happiness.

The boys and girls have this look on their faces. Will this group lead me to the prize of a companion of the opposite sex that I will be happy with.

Of course, time runs out before the choice is made. And they settle. Sometime they don't get any prize as the bell has rung (actually the police walk around and break up the groups).

Its a special sight for us seniors as we don't have that problem. For those who are by themselves, there is no pressure to find the one to make them happy. Its a benefit of surviving to our ripe old age. For some its different



When I returned to Chicago I went to Panera as soon as I could. The chill of the morning--Its Park Ridge and chilly--ends at the door and friendly faces immediately warmed up this old cold spirit.

Hey, look whose left too soon..its still cold here.....whats wrong with you and you look good but we heard you had some health problems.

Yes, I did come back too soon and brought this warm weather.....60 degrees.
and I'm ok....I survived and its not how you feel.....its how you look and with this tan I look marvelous.

Anyway, while waiting in the coffee line, a 73 old man stopped me and said Hi, glad to see you are back.

He shocked me. For 4 years I've approached this man as he sat always by himself in a small booth or table.

Not talking to anyone.

At first I would say Hi and he sort of moved his head in recognition.

After a year or two this improved to a slight hand wave....and finally last year to a Hi and wave.

So for him to actually stop and talk to me surprised me.

Then he said....come on over and talk for a few minutes.

WELL,,,I wanted to join the front window boys but said sure and joined him at his table.

He started with my name is Rowland and my wife had cancer the last few years and
I took care of her.

Every morning I would come in here to get a break from caring for her.....and guess what?

I'm getting married. To one of our best friends.....
he died about the time of my wife and now his wife and me are getting married next month.

Congratulations. Now I understand.

I also felt better that all those years did had a purpose, I just knew I should say hi to him. Maybe, just maybe, that's why my heart keeps going. That's why the defib worked.

Maybe its those Hi's to strangers that has kept me alive.

You're not strangers but Hi, how are you......
