Friday, August 22, 2008

From Here To There...Part #1

I'll tell you how.

It started with that phone call. Jim, we need to do a AngioPlasty.

Then, the angioplasty went good.

To: the angioplasty might have blocked a small artery that controls your heart beat.
so you must wear a monitor.

To: tomorrow we will put in an PaceMaker.

I arrived on Monday at St. Francis in Evanston. Things went bad from the start with “OH, no one told us you were coming.”

Sorry your bed will be ready in just a few minutes (55 few minutes). We were rolled to our room 2038 which was on the 2nd floor.

Immediately they put on another heart monitor. But first shaved my chest. Wow, last week my groin area got the razor and this week the chest and stomach.

Nurse Lin from India did the shaving. And told me about herself.

She has been in the country for 5 yrs and graduated from Maine East H. S. a very good H.S. She lives with her parents and still goes along with all the old customs.

She said she didn't date in H.S. as her parents would have been very angry. If she would have dated then or now and someone saw them that would tell her parents. “OH MY , the trouble I would be in.”

Finally, her parents get the say on her husband. Even though 50 of her relatives that live here can pick who they want.

She laughed and giggled while she told me the story. I could have talked to her much more but she had other duties, like hiding from me.

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