Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What the Heck happened....

Inside me is a younger person wondering, 'What the heck happened?'

Sept 12, 1944....I must have said: What happened?

Sept 12, 2008...Now 64 years later...I must ask: What happened?

Its enough to make me cry. The years all went by. I thought slowly at the time. The dates changed....1970--1980 with no change or so it seemed.

I got a job, found love, got married, was having children. Paying a mortgage.
It seemed like it would never end. With dreams of what I wanted, when I grew older.

I wish I had a job, in love, still married, having Grand Children..Paying a mortgage.

I just looked in the mirror. Who is that old man? With all the scars of a lifetime in that face and body. With dreams of what I want, when I grow older.

That's me....How did that happen?

'What the heck happened?'

Happy Birthday!!!!! Yeah, Sure.....

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