Saturday, January 3, 2009

What A Penny Can Do....

I want to say thank you to those that emailed me encouragement.

I have had many physical challenges.

I was lucky in that many years ago a friend told me how he recovered from being crushed by a horse.

He sat in the living room with 20 pennies.

He would get up--somehow--and walk with a penny into the kitchen.
He would put the penny down on the table and rest.

When he was able he would return to the living room for rest.

Then repeat the walk,,,over and over and over.
Until all 20 pennies were on the table.

He did this daily routine until he could do all 20 pennies without stopping.

I was so taken by this act of strength and positive attitude that I used it myself countless times.

I am also lucky that I look at every setback as another challenge.

I CAN DO IT for as many times as necessary.

I discovered that the pennies can be physical or mental tasks.

Its worked for me. Sure, I say I'm depressed but I really mean Oh shit, where's the pennies...I have to get started.

So thanks to all of you that wrote emails and said prayers.

I can always use a push to pick up that first penny.


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