Thursday, April 2, 2009

Inspection relaxing...

“Hey Jim, today at 2:30pm they're going to do the house inspection. You can be there or go somewhere else. You're really not needed”.

Not needed. Ok, I think I'll stick around and see what they do.

But first I have to clean up the little mess that I made staying here.

Within an hour the house was spotless. Wait, the shower hand-shower broke off. Damm, oh thats ok, no one will notice. And then there's the cabinet doors that the padding has fallen off or just wore out.

I can't do anymore. I have to go to breakfast and then to the car dealer to get a new mirror under warranty.

Ordered a small sausage burrito and senior coffee. I sat down, opened up the burrito and it looked like they spread the eggs on with a knife. Not much inside. Forget it...for a $1.79 I should get some egg and sausage.

S'ir, these are all measured out and it …..looking into my eyes suspiciously...should have had the alloted amount in it'.

Well it didn't. Apparently, this one didn't have enough.

Here's another one and they all look filled. Yours is the only one that looks like that.

Lady, I'm hungry but if I wasn't, I would burn out your staring eyes with some hot words.
Yes, thats the dream words I wanted to say.

Well, I quickly ate the sandwich and then onto the car dealer for a replacement mirror.

“You'll have to leave the car for the day and pick it up tomorrow.

What that doesn't make sense, how come? Because it hasn't been painted yet.

What if I come back tomorrow and you paint it today? Yep, we guess so. Sure why not!

So back into the car and over to Sarasota. There I stopped at the home and visited Granny.

Hi Sir, and how are you today. Are you here to visit me. Why would you visit me?

Granny, I'm your son-in-law and I'm married to your daughter Karolyn.

Oh you are, thats nice. But why are you visiting with me and not someone else.

Because you're my mother in law for 42 yrs.

Oh thats nice.

Thats the way the conversation went for 30 minutes until I said goodbye and I would visit her again soon.

Then it was to Mcdonalds in Sarasota. I was going to visit our condo complex and use the weight machine until Nancy called me and said she could get some containers for moving stuff.

So I picked those up, and since I was close to I-75 took that south.

On the way back I drove past Babe's Ace Hardware in Englewood. I picked up another shower handle and some cabinet door pads.

I put on the shower handle and the pads....this surprised me as I didn't put it off for a few days.

The inspectors arrived: the water inspector, the bug inspector and house inspector.

Then the buyer and saleslady arrived.

We all sat around and had good conversation for 3 hrs.

Then it was time to kick them out.

I washed up and drove to Stephano's restaurant and had a super large Salad. I even took some home.

But before going home I went to Englewood beach for the sunset.

Bed time came early. 10 pm just after the shower. Sleep oh wonderfull sleep arrived a little later.

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