I've been re-gaining my old big body recently. I've been riding my bike and walking short distance. But I know its not enough to lose weight.
So today decided that if I felt good/loose, that I would try to walk further than a 1-1/2 miler.
I started off good until I got to Panera. Who would have thought in the afternoon that I would see Lawyer Jim and Pilot Sean.
I just went to say hello and leave but you know how it goes. I had to defend and stand up for my Sarah Palin.
I stayed long enough to get stiff and continued on.
I tried and was successful running across the busy street when I heard some old coppers yelling...better huscle a little faster Elliott.
It was George Ruckrich. A big time boss and just a nice guy sitting at Starbucks in the sun.
I waved and continued on toward my niece Jennifer's house.

It was a nice part of the walk and all the gardens were in full bloom. One prettier than the next.
Its about a mile and I almost made it. I suddenly stopped when I saw a concrete bench next to the sidewalk in the shade.
As soon as I sat down, the front door to the house opened and some older man coughed and cleared his throat. Then banged on the wall mail box.
I guess he was trying to give me a message. But I didn't hear it.
I made it to Jennys house and told her I was sitting just a couple house's away on the bench.
"Didn't the Old Guy chase you off the bench, he's always yelling at anyone who sits there"
She invited me in to see how the remodeling is going and it was going nice.
Mr. Tile Guy was finishing the splash area above the counter....Wow, did it look nice.
I rested and drank some water and continued on my walk. Down Albion for about a mile until I saw John parking his car.

Said hello and he got his wife out of the house.
We sat in the back yard and talked about our health.

Julie and I had our heart attacks just a few days apart in 1990.
We then attended re-hab together. She made it enjoyable. And we have been friends since.
After getting stiff again, I mosied on home.
Just in time for the best baked Amish Chicken by Karolyn. The neighbors joined us and ended the day on another high note.
Maybe a 4 mile walk and it took 2 1/2 hours.