Sunday, July 19, 2009

Keep Our Country Great and Our Constitution...

Regarding the letter.

I don't mean to offend anyone.

A letter writer says the world looks at how great America is. and yet can't wait to see it change.

When you're on top of the world, there is only one way to change.

Downhill.....America was made great by the individual drive of millions of Americans and immigrants.

A drive to improve their individual lives and family.

Now, we have had a financial correction that the government got involved in.

So now we have folks (czars) telling us how to do business and what we must do with any profits....give it to Corporations and people they think deserve the benefits of our labor.

If I make $100 a day for 8 hrs work and the government takes $30 to give to someone they think deserve it.....thats CHANGE I don't need.

It took part of my life to earn that $30. I only have so much time in my life and yet I must spend much of my time/my life giving to the government.

Like I said before, I don't want to offend anyone,,,but I think its time to speak up and correct the idea of Change.

If an individual wants to dedicate their life and time and money and wealth to give away, I think thats great.

But don't force me/Robb me of my money to give to others.

This is a great life only because I'm in the Greatest Country in the World with the Greatest Constitution. Lets not change it--the country or Constitution.

sorry for the soap box.

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